Vale soon left the road filled with many unconscious people lying on the ground.

He did what he just said and didn't kill anyone aside from the Mystic Arts Practitioner who was about to destroy everyone in the vicinity. He didn't even steal the money or Magic Items of those people since he still has principles.

He simply extracted them since it was also a waste to just ignore them.

After all, he had already stolen their attributes and other mystical properties so he felt that it was a bit too much to even steal their money and valuables.

Since the Knight's group didn't do anything to him that deserved death, he decided not to overreact and controlled the urge of his Mask and his Incorruptible Body.

Nevertheless, Vale was satisfied with what he did.


'I didn't expect I'll get a decent Spell from the Knight.' Vale muttered while feeling the changes in his body.

Apparently, it seems that it was true that most of the Knights only have passive Spell Models in their bodies.

He read before that they mostly have Physical Augmentation, Aura Burst, Hyper Awareness, and Indomitable Will. These Spells were the popular ones that almost all Knights had.

However, there was still the most basic thing that all Knights possessed, and it was the Meridian Access Spell Model!

Once this Spell was triggered for the first time, Vale would be able to manipulate his Meridian System allowing him access to the Knight's Aura!

After he survived that, he would be able to use Aura Manipulation through the same Spell Model!


He really wanted to use this Spell Model immediately but he was worried that it would cause conflict with the Dark Energy within his body.He didn't want to die in such a pathetic way, so he decided to reign on his urge and wait until he learned more things before using this Spell.

As for the Spell Model that he got from the Mystic Arts Practitioner, Vale rejected it since it was the Mystic Body Bomb. It was the Self Destruction Spell that the man tried to use.

There was no way Vale would use such a suicidal spell, so he rejected it as soon as he saw its name.

He was already satisfied with the Meridian Access Spell since it would greatly change his battle style if he successfully controlled his Aura.

'I wonder if Headmaster can give good advice about this.' Vale mused as he continued his way to Magfall City.

This city was where he planned to stay for the rest of the summer break since there would be an airship heading back to the Vermont Academy that would pass there.



A few weeks quickly passed, and the start of the new Academic Year had finally arrived.

The Entrance Ceremony for the new batch of First Year Students had just started, and it could be seen that the number of security within the Academy had increased by a couple of times.

"Whew~ I arrived in time…" Leonore Roland said with a tired voice as she entered the Academy grounds.

She looked exhausted as she had rushed to this place after being entangled with some troublesome matters.

Nevertheless, her eyes glowed, and observed the Academy without any problems.I think you should take a look at

Vermont, the Academy of Dark Arts was buzzing with activity as the students returned from their six weeks of summer break.

At this moment, she could see some students who were eager to resume their studies of the mysterious Arcane Path and those who wanted to learn new Dark Spells.

Of course, the others seemed more interested in catching up with their friends and rivals as she saw the many groups of students laughing and chatting.

The halls were filled with whispers of the latest rumors and scandals, as well as the occasional scream of a Hex or some Curse Spell that had gone wrong.

The teachers and professors watched over the chaos with a mixture of pride and disdain, knowing that they had to mold these young minds into the future masters of the Dark Arts. The Academy was a place of power, mystery, and danger, and the students loved it.

Cough! Cough!

Leonore immediately stopped using her Spell after being overwhelmed by the information she got by activating that Spell.

Nevertheless, she seemed so excited at the successful activation of her Spell.

'I'm close to it… At this rate, I'll be able to learn the Dark Seer Spell before the Twelve Academies Competition Starts.' Leonore thought with a smile as she stepped forward to see her classmates.

She had to attend the first class no matter what since they would have to show their Spirit Strands and Dark Spell Mastery. She can't miss this chance to show off her skills.

'I wonder if Vale had at least improved his Spirit Strands over the past six weeks. Once he turned 18, increasing the Spirit Strands would be extremely difficult. He should try to use all possible means while still young.' Leonore silently thought as she truly felt pity for her classmate.

Although Vale had a high Spirit Strand that many couldn't reach yet, everyone knew that it wouldn't matter soon as it was rumored that Vale had already exhausted his potential.

Even if he were strong now within the Academy, it would not be the same once they all reach their higher years or when they graduated.


It didn't take long before Leonore entered the Second Year Class with a smile, happy to see her friends from the First Year. She had made some good connections in her first year, so she was looking forward to learning more with them.

She then greeted them warmly and joined them at their table, where they chatted about their summer adventures and plans for the new term. They were a diverse and talented group, each with their own strengths and interests. Leonore felt lucky to have them as her allies and companions.

'Right… Where is that guy?' Leonore mused as she glanced around the room, curious to see if Vale was there.

She then noticed a boy sitting alone in the back row, who looked bored and aloof.

Without a doubt, it was Vale Chambers. He had black hair and eyes, and he wore a coat over his uniform. He seemed to ignore everyone else, focusing on the Paper Talisman in his hand.

'Let's see…'

She decided to investigate Vale and whispered an appraisal spell under her breath. It was a spell she had learned from her mentor, allowing her to see through illusions, disguises, and the strength of her target. She aimed it at Vale, hoping to have a vague grasp of his Spirit Strands.

She simply wanted to see if there were some improvements in his strength.

However, she was shocked when she saw nothing change and Vale was already looking at her coldly.
