In the morning, within the luxurious confines of their room at The Whispering Wind Inn, Yuan, Anna, Grace, Emma, Lily, and Xi Meili prepared themselves for a exploration in the city.
They couldn't leave without experiencing all that Roth City had to offer.
As they finished getting dressed, Yuan turned his attention to Emma, a smile lighting up his face.
"Congratulations, Emma, on reaching the Spirit Master realm," he said warmly, acknowledging her achievement.
While the others had rested during the night, Emma had been unable to sleep and had instead devoted her time to cultivation.
Her efforts had paid off, and she had successfully broken through to the First Level of the Spirit Master realm.
Blushing with modesty, Emma nodded gratefully. "Thank you, Yuan. I hope that you'll teach me how to fly on a flying sword soon,"
Lily, not wanting to be left out, chimed in, "And me too! Please teach me as well."
Yuan's smile widened as he reassured them both. "Of course, I will teach both of you."
Anna took the lead and approached Yuan, Lily, and Emma. "Let's make the most of our time and explore the city before we continue our journey to the capital," she suggested.
Yuan, Lily, Xi Meili, and Emma nodded in agreement, eager to experience the wonders the city had to offer.
Exiting their room, they found themselves in the hallway of the inn. As they made their way towards the reception area, they noticed Amelia sitting behind the desk.
Approaching her, Anna handed over the room key and said, "We're checking out. Thank you for the hospitality."
Amelia smiled warmly and accepted the key. "It was my pleasure to have you as our guests. I hope you enjoyed your stay."
Grace, with a polite nod, added, "Yes, the accommodations were excellent."
Amelia's eyes sparkled with gratitude. "Thank you for your kind words. If you ever find yourselves in Roth City again, we would be delighted to host you."
Xi Meili, unable to contain her curiosity, asked, "Are there any particular places you would recommend for us to visit in the city?"
Amelia's face lit up, happy to share her knowledge. "Certainly! The Grand Marketplace is a must-visit for shopping enthusiasts, and the Artisan's Quarter showcases the city's finest craftsmanship."
"And don't forget to indulge in the local delicacies at the various street food stalls scattered around the city."
Emma, her eyes gleaming with excitement, exclaimed, "That sounds amazing! We'll make sure to explore all those places."
Thanking Amelia once again for her assistance, the group bid her farewell and stepped out into the bustling streets of Roth City.
As the group made their way towards the Grand Marketplace, the lively sounds and vibrant colors of the bustling city engulfed them. The marketplace, known for its vast array of goods and services, attracted people from all walks of life.
Lily, pulling her horse with a slightly irritated expression, turned to Yuan and voiced her annoyance. "Yuan, why are we bothering to bring our horses with us? We should sell them in the market. After all, once the two of us learn how to fly on a sword, we won't have any use for them anymore."
"Lily's right. We can learn how to fly while traveling on foot. Once we master it, it'll be much more convenient for us to explore and continue our journey." Emma, nodding in agreement.
Yuan pondered the suggestion for a moment, weighing the pros and cons. Finally, he made his decision. "You both make valid points. Let's sell the horses. Along the way, I'll teach both of you how to fly using a flying sword. It will not only be a valuable skill, but it will also allow us to travel more efficiently."
With their resolution set, the group made their way through the bustling streets, leading their horses towards the Grand Marketplace.
As they entered the vast marketplace, they were immediately greeted by a cacophony of voices and a myriad of stalls, each filled with various goods and commodities.
As Yuan and his wives made their way through the vast marketplace, they couldn't help but notice the significant difference in size compared to the market in Clover Town.
The grandeur of the market was awe-inspiring, bustling with a multitude of people from all walks of life.
Various kinds of merchants and shops lined the bustling streets, offering a wide range of products and services.
However, most of the shops primarily catered to the sale of magic items, which held little value for Yuan and his wives.
With a shared understanding, they simply passed through these shops, their attention focused on other aspects of the city.
As they walked through the market, their enchanting presence caught the eyes of many passersby. People paused in their tracks, momentarily entranced by the handsome face of Yuan and the unparalleled beauty of Anna, Grace, Lily, Emma, and Xi Meili.
Whispers of admiration filled the air as onlookers marveled at their elegance and grace.
"Look at them, so stunning and elegant. I've never seen such beauty in my life."
"Who are they? They must be important to be accompanied by such a handsome young man."
"I can't help but feel a pang of jealousy. How can someone be blessed with such beauty?"
"It's not fair! They have it all: looks, wealth, and companionship."
"I wish I could have just a fraction of their beauty. They seem to glow with radiance."
As they meandered through the lively crowd, they noticed a merchant displaying a variety of animals, including horses, cows, and donkeys.
Anna, with her keen eye for negotiation, gestured to the rest of the group, directing their attention towards the merchant.
They approached the merchant's stall, where a middle-aged man with a weathered face and a shrewd gaze awaited potential customers.
Yuan took the lead and greeted the merchant with a polite smile. "Good day, sir. We are interested in selling our horses. We have five of them. What's the price you're offering?"
The merchant eyed the group, his gaze lingering on their remarkable appearances. He couldn't help but be impressed by the beauty and allure radiating from Anna, Grace, Lily, Emma, and Xi Meili. "Ah, a fine group of individuals you have here. I'm sure we can strike a fair deal," he replied with a hint of intrigue in his voice.
Anna nodded, her business-like demeanor evident. "We understand that horses can fetch a good price. We're looking for a reasonable offer."
The merchant stroked his chin, sizing up the horses. "These are splendid creatures, no doubt. Well-kept and in good condition. I can offer you thousand gold coins per horse, which is a fair price considering their quality."
"Thousand gold coins? Can you do any better? These are fine horses, after all." Lily raised an eyebrow, not fully satisfied with the merchant's initial offer.
The merchant paused, seemingly considering Lily's request. "Hmm, how about twelve hundred gold coins per horse? That's the best I can offer."
"We appreciate your offer, but we were hoping for a slightly higher price. These horses have been well cared for, and we believe they are worth at least fifteen hundred gold coins each." Emma interjected, her gentle voice carrying a hint of determination.
The merchant's gaze shifted from Emma to the rest of the group, recognizing their unwavering determination.
"Fifteen hundred gold coins it is, but that's my final offer. Take it or leave it." He sighed, realizing that negotiating with this group would not be an easy task.
Yuan exchanged a brief glance with Anna and Grace before turning back to the merchant. "Agreed. We accept your offer of fifteen hundred gold coins per horse."
"Very well. Let's finalize the deal."The merchant nodded, acknowledging the group's decision.
He reached into a worn leather pouch, counting out the agreed-upon sum of gold coins.
Yuan accepted the leather pouch from the merchant, filled with a huge sum of gold coins. He then stored the pouch inside his system storage and left the place.
After selling the horses, Yuan and his two mothers, Anna and Grace, his elder sister, Lily, and his two beloveds, Emma and Xi Meili, were passing through the market as they looked through various kinds of stalls.
Suddenly, Nora spoke to Yuan and said, "Host, I sensed something nearby."
"Nora, what did you sense?" Yuan asked, his curiosity piqued by the notion of something valuable nearby.
Nora's voice echoed in Yuan's mind, guiding him. [One hundred meters to your left, there is something of great value. I sense a strong presence of spiritual energy emanating from that direction.]
Anna, Grace, Emma, and Xi Meili noticed the change in Yuan's expression and turned their attention towards him, sensing that something unusual had captured his interest.
Anna stepped closer to Yuan and asked, "What is it, Yuan?"
Yuan took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding, "Ladies, I've sensed something quite valuable nearby. Let's go and check it out."
"Just a hundred meters away from us, in that direction," he said, pointing towards the bustling marketplace.
Grace's eyes widened with curiosity. "Something valuable? Do you think it's worth investigating?"
Yuan nodded, his curiosity piqued. "It could be worth our while. Let's go and see what it is."
Emma's face lit up with anticipation. "I wonder what it could be? Maybe it's a rare artifact or a hidden treasure."
Xi Meili, usually quiet and observant, chimed in, "Let's not waste any more time. We should find out what it is."
The group swiftly changed their course, turning towards the left side of the marketplace. Their steps quickened, driven by the anticipation of discovering something of great worth.
[Keep going straight ahead. It's just a few steps away now.] Nora said.
They arrived at a small, unassuming stall nestled between two larger shops. The stall was filled with an array of peculiar gleaming gemstones.
The stall owner, a wrinkled elderly man, looked up from his wares, sensing the group's presence.