As Yuan, Anna, Grace, Lily, Emma, and Xi Meili dismounted from their horses, they were greeted by a middle-aged villager.

He appeared to be in charge of ensuring the safety of the villagers in Havenbrook. With a warm smile, he extended a welcoming hand and introduced himself.

"Welcome to Havenbrook village," The villager said. "I'm Thomas, and I'm responsible for the security and well-being of our community. It's a pleasure to have you all here."

Yuan stepped forward, acknowledging Thomas's greeting. "Thank you, Thomas. We appreciate your hospitality. We are hunters, currently on our way to the capital. We decided to stay the night in your village."

Anna, Grace, Lily, Emma, and Xi Meili stood beside Yuan, their expressions friendly and open. They nodded in agreement with Yuan's statement, reaffirming their purpose for visiting Havenbrook.

Thomas considered their words and then nodded in understanding. "I see. Hunters, you say? Well, we do get travelers passing through our village from time to time."


"However, for the safety and peace of our community, we usually ask newcomers to show their hunters' licenses as a way to verify their identities."

Yuan and his companions exchanged glances, and then Anna stepped forward, reaching into her storage ring.

She retrieved their hunters' licenses, neatly organized within a leather pouch. She handed the pouch to Thomas, who took it with a nod of appreciation.

Thomas carefully examined the licenses, scrutinizing the details and comparing them to the faces of Yuan, Anna, Grace, Lily, Emma, and Xi Meili.

After a thorough examination, he returned the pouch to Anna. "Everything seems to be in order," he said. "Thank you for cooperating."

Yuan smiled, relieved that their identities as hunters had been verified. "We understand the importance of ensuring the safety of the village," he said.


"We are here merely as travelers passing through, seeking a place to rest for the night."

Thomas nodded in agreement. "Of course, we welcome you to stay in Havenbrook for the night. We have a small inn where you can find comfortable lodging."

"Additionally, there are a few local establishments where you can enjoy a meal and experience the village's hospitality."

Anna expressed her gratitude. "Thank you, Thomas. We appreciate your kindness and willingness to accommodate us. We will make sure to respect the village's rules and contribute positively during our stay."

Thomas smiled, his eyes reflecting genuine warmth. "It's our pleasure to have you here. Havenbrook may be a modest village, but we take pride in our community and the connections we forge with those who visit. Please feel free to explore and enjoy your time here."

With their hunters' licenses returned and their identities confirmed, Yuan, Anna, Grace, Lily, Emma, and Xi Meili felt a sense of ease settling over them.


Yuan turned to Thomas with a polite smile and asked, "Could you please direct us to the inn you mentioned earlier?"

Thomas chuckled heartily and pointed towards the center of the village. "It's just up ahead, near the large oak tree. You can't miss it. The inn is called the 'Wildflower Inn'," he said, his voice warm and welcoming. "Just head towards the center of the town, and you'll find it there."

Yuan nodded gratefully. "Thank you, Thomas. We appreciate your help," he replied, his tone sincere.With Thomas's directions in mind, Yuan, accompanied by Anna, Grace, Lily, Emma, and Xi Meili, set off towards the center of the village.

As they walked through the village, they couldn't help but notice the curious gazes of the villagers, particularly drawn to the stunning beauty of Yuan's wives.

Whispers and murmurs followed their footsteps, indicating the villagers' awe and admiration.

After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at the heart of the village, where a magnificent oak tree stood tall and proud.

Its sprawling branches provided shade to the villagers who gathered beneath it, engaging in conversations and enjoying the serene atmosphere.

Amidst the bustling activity, their gazes were drawn to a prominent sign that read 'Wildflower Inn,' perched above a charming cottage-like building.

Lily, walking closely beside Yuan, leaned in and whispered, "That's the inn Thomas mentioned earlier, right?"

Anna nodded, her eyes scanning the area. "Yes, that's the one," she confirmed. "From what I've heard, it's the only inn in the entire village. Let's not waste any more time, or we might end up having to sleep under the stars tonight."

Grace agreed with a nod. "Indeed, we should make our way inside before all the rooms are taken."

Yuan grinned and glanced at his family. "Shall we go in and secure our lodging then?" he asked, his voice filled with anticipation.

His words were met with unanimous agreement, and the group approached the entrance of the Wildflower Inn.

As they stepped through the threshold, a sense of warmth and hospitality enveloped them. The inn exuded a rustic charm, with cozy furnishings and a welcoming ambiance.

As Yuan, Anna, Grace, Lily, Emma, and Xi Meili stepped through the entrance of the Wildflower Inn, they were greeted by a sweet, melodic voice belonging to a middle-aged woman in her early fifties.

Her warm smile reached her eyes, and her brown hair framed her face in gentle waves. It was Martha, the innkeeper of the establishment, who stood before them.

"Welcome to the Wildflower Inn," Martha greeted them cheerfully. "I'm Martha, the innkeeper. How may I assist you today?"

Yuan's presence seemed to momentarily take Martha aback. She looked at him in awe, her eyes wide with wonder. The young man before her was exceptionally handsome, unlike anyone she had ever encountered.

But it wasn't just Yuan who captivated her; the five stunning women accompanying him seemed like goddesses descended from the heavens.

Martha couldn't fathom that such a remarkable group would arrive in their humble village, let alone grace her inn.

Gathering herself, Martha offered a warm smile and composed herself. "It's a pleasure to have you all here. How can I make your stay at the Wildflower Inn the most enjoyable?"

Yuan returned Martha's smile with his own gentle expression. "Thank you, Martha. It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Yuan, and these beautiful women beside me are my wives."

"We are travelers on our way to the capital and have decided to stay the night in this charming village. We would love to rent the best room available in your inn."

Martha nodded, her business-like demeanor returning. "Certainly, Yuan. We have a spacious room that can accommodate up to five people. The cost for the room will be 5 gold coins for the night, and an additional 50 silver coins for the meal. We also offer custom orders for food, catering to your specific preferences."

Yuan nodded, understanding the inn's pricing. "That sounds fair, Martha. We would like to rent the best room you have, as well as enjoy a delicious meal. We appreciate the custom order option as well."

Martha smiled warmly. "Excellent! I'll make sure everything is prepared to your satisfaction. Please make yourselves comfortable while I get everything ready."

As Martha busied herself with the necessary arrangements, Anna looked at Yuan with a glimmer of excitement in her eyes. "Yuan, it seems we've stumbled upon a gem of an inn. Let's make the most of our stay here and enjoy the comforts it has to offer."

Grace and Lily, equally thrilled, nodded in agreement. Emma and Xi Meili exchanged excited whispers, eagerly anticipating the meal that awaited them.

Yuan's gaze remained steady as he placed the 5 gold coins and 50 silver coins on the reception desk, completing the payment for the room and meal. He looked at Martha and spoke with a polite yet confident tone.

"Thank you, Martha. Here is the payment for our stay. I also have a special request to make. I have a rare piece of meat with me, and I would appreciate it if you could prepare it in the best way possible for us."

Martha's eyes widened in surprise and curiosity. She glanced at the coins on the desk and then at the large leg piece of the Violent Red boar that Anna had placed before her. The innkeeper was taken aback by the sight of such a valuable and sought-after piece of meat.

In a shocked expression, Martha couldn't help but ask, "Where did you manage to get your hands on such an expensive and rare meat? The Violent Red boar is known for its exquisite taste, and it's considered a delicacy that only nobles can afford."

Yuan's smile remained unwavering as he replied, "We encountered the Violent Red boar during our journey through the Forest of Spirits. It was a formidable opponent, but we managed to defeat it."

"We believe in making the most of every opportunity that comes our way, and we thought it would be a delightful experience to savor this delicacy in the Wildflower Inn."

Anna, with a proud expression, added, "Indeed, it was quite a feat to bring down such a powerful creature. We are fortunate to have such skilled hunters in our group."

Martha's astonishment slowly transformed into a mixture of admiration and respect. She had never met individuals with such exceptional hunting skills, and their possession of such a prized piece of meat further emphasized their capabilities.

She composed herself and nodded, a newfound enthusiasm in her voice. "I must say, you all have my utmost respect for your skills as hunters. I will gladly prepare this rare meat for you in the best way possible. It will be a special treat, and I assure you that you won't be disappointed."

Yuan expressed his gratitude with a slight bow. "Thank you, Martha. We appreciate your willingness to accommodate our request. We look forward to experiencing the culinary expertise of the Wildflower Inn."

As Martha took the leg piece of the Violent Red boar to the kitchen, the group settled into their room, eagerly anticipating the unique meal that awaited them.

Their hearts were filled with excitement, knowing that they were about to embark on a culinary adventure unlike any they had experienced before.

Xi Meili clung tightly to Yuan's arm, her excitement palpable as she brushed her cheeks against his chest. Her voice was filled with anticipation as she spoke to her husband.

"Husband, I can't wait to try the meat that Martha is going to cook. I'm sure it's going to be absolutely delicious!"

Anna, Grace, Lily, and Emma joined in, their voices filled with enthusiasm and hunger.

"Yes, Dear, we're all eagerly looking forward to tasting this rare treat," Anna exclaimed.

Grace nodded, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "It's not every day that we have the opportunity to savor such a delicacy. I'm sure Martha's cooking will bring out the flavors perfectly."

Lily chimed in, her voice laced with excitement. "I can't wait to experience it for myself."

Emma's eyes sparkled with anticipation as well. "I'm sure Martha's culinary skills will do justice to this special meat. I'm already salivating at the thought of it."

In the meantime, the aroma of delicious food began to fill the inn, enticing other guests who couldn't help but wonder about the enticing scent wafting from the kitchen.

The inn buzzed with excitement as whispers of the rare meat and the remarkable group that had arrived spread throughout the village.


Greetings, you lascivious bunch of followers! I trust your escapades with your wife, girlfriend, or mistress have been as eventful as ever, filled with lavish treats and tantalizing encounters. Ahem! Oops, pardon my slip of the tongue—I mustn't utter that sinful 'S' word. Let's swiftly change the subject, shall we? Now, where was I? Ah, yes! I implore you to continue supporting this book with the fervor of a tsunami, even if said tsunami were to snatch away my precious underwear. Fear not, I won't hold it against you. So, shower this book with your love, and don't you dare overlook purchasing the "Privileged Chapters"! Failure to do so will result in a curse, and trust me, most of you already know the nature of that curse. Wink, wink!
