Robert smiled proudly at the group's conviction and aspirations. "I have no doubt that you will achieve remarkable things. Your bond as a family and your individual strengths will take you far. Remember, the world is vast, and it awaits your presence. Embrace every opportunity and make the most of it."

Yuan thanked Robert for his encouragement and support. "We appreciate your words, Robert. They mean a lot to us."

As the group stood in the hallway, Robert's sudden revelation caught them off guard. He addressed Yuan with a mix of curiosity and astonishment, stealing glances at the rest of the group. "Oh, by the way, I heard a rumor about you all yesterday,"

Robert began. "People have been talking about how you not only killed Lord Galen and his son but also the entire Viscount's family, along with fifty mages who arrived here yesterday."

Yuan's eyebrows furrowed in surprise, unsure of how such rumors had spread so quickly. He exchanged glances with his wives, and then turned his attention back to Robert. "Yes, it is true," Yuan admitted, his voice tinged with a hint of remorse.

Mireya, who had been listening intently, chimed in with a shocked expression on her face. "I... I didn't want to believe it at first," she confessed. "But after hearing numerous eyewitness accounts and the buzz around town, I had no choice but to accept that it was indeed you all."


Yuan scratched the back of his head, feeling a mix of unease and the need to explain their actions. "It's true that we were responsible for their deaths," he admitted. "Lord Galen's son, Jim, had been tormenting me for a long time. Just a few days ago, he went too far and nearly killed me. If Lily hadn't intervened, I wouldn't be standing here today."

Anna, standing beside Yuan, offered her support and continued the explanation. "We had no choice but to defend ourselves and seek justice. Lord Galen was driven by revenge for his son's actions, and he posed a threat to our lives."

"The Lewis family sought revenge as well, blaming us for their son's impotence, which was a result of his own arrogance. Unfortunately, it led to their demise."

Grace, Lily, Emma, and Xi Meili listened attentively as Anna relayed the events. Grace nodded in agreement, understanding the circumstances that had led to their actions. Lily's expression remained resolute, knowing the importance of protecting her family.

Emma, though initially taken aback by the news, showed her unwavering support. Xi Meili, still new to the complexities of the world, observed with innocence and trust in her husband's decisions.

Robert absorbed the explanation, his face a mix of surprise and contemplation. "I see," he finally responded. "Though it is regrettable that it came to this, I can understand your motivations. The rumors were circulating, but I wanted to hear it from you directly."


Anna nodded, appreciating Robert's willingness to listen. "We understand that our actions may have consequences," she said. "But we stand by our choices to protect ourselves and seek justice. We do not seek violence, but we will defend what is dear to us."

Robert, now with a deeper understanding of their circumstances, nodded in acceptance. "I appreciate your honesty," he said. "Just remember, the path you choose may have far-reaching effects. Be cautious, but never forget the importance of your family and those you hold dear."Yuan and his wives nodded in unison, acknowledging the weight of their actions and the responsibility they carried.

After explaining their circumstances, Yuan and his wives stood before Robert, their expressions a mix of gratitude and anticipation.

Robert, with a warm smile, addressed Yuan directly. "Since you're heading to the capital, give me a few seconds. I have something that will be very useful for you all there," he said.

Yuan nodded, curious about what Robert had in store for them. He watched as Robert turned to Mireya, who stood nearby, and requested a pen and paper. Mireya quickly obliged, handing Robert the requested items.

Taking the pen and paper, Robert began writing intently. He carefully crafted each letter, his movements deliberate and focused. Once satisfied, he folded the paper neatly and slipped it into an envelope. With precision, he dripped a few drops of Wex, a sealing liquid, and stamped the envelope with the emblem of the Hunter Association.


Finally, Robert extended the envelope to Yuan. "This," he said, "is a recommendation letter from the Hunter Association. It will come in handy for all of you in the capital. Keep it safe and try not to lose it."

Yuan took the envelope, recognizing its value and the opportunities it could unlock. "Thank you, Robert," he expressed sincerely. "We appreciate your help and guidance."

Robert nodded, his eyes filled with a sense of pride. "I'm glad I could assist," he replied. "Now, there's something else I'd like to share. In the capital, there's a renowned blacksmith shop called Silvermoon Forge."

"The owner, Eldrin Silvermane, is a good friend of mine. If you ever need anything crafted, I highly recommend paying him a visit. Mention my name, and you may even get a discount."

The wives exchanged glances, their curiosity piqued. Grace spoke up, her voice filled with eagerness. "That sounds wonderful. We will definitely keep that in mind, thank you, Robert."

Lily added, "It's good to know we have someone reliable to rely on in the capital. We'll make sure to visit Eldrin Silvermane when the need arises."

Emma nodded in agreement. "Having a trusted connection like that can make a difference, especially in a new place. Thank you for sharing this information, Robert."

Xi Meili, though still new to the world outside, listened attentively. She smiled warmly and said, "It's nice to know we have people who care about us and can guide us. Thank you, Robert."

Robert returned their smiles, pleased to offer assistance. "You're all very welcome. It's important to have allies and support, especially in unfamiliar surroundings. I wish you the best on your journey and endeavors in the capital."

Yuan, grateful for Robert's generosity and advice, extended his hand to shake Robert's. "Thank you once again, Robert. We will keep your words close to our hearts and make the most of the opportunities ahead."

Robert shook Yuan's hand firmly, a sign of mutual respect. "Take care, Yuan, and to all of you," he said. "May your path be filled with success and fulfillment. Should you ever need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out."

With their farewells exchanged, Yuan and his wives felt a renewed sense of purpose. Armed with the recommendation letter and the knowledge of a trusted blacksmith, they were ready to embark on their journey to the capital.

Their minds buzzed with anticipation, knowing that new adventures and challenges awaited them. With Robert's guidance, they were prepared to carve their own path in the grand city, leaving behind the tales of their past and embracing the possibilities of their future.

As Yuan and his family exited the Hunter Association, their footsteps filled with determination, Anna spoke up with a hint of excitement in her voice. "Well, everyone, it's time to gather our steeds and set forth towards the capital."

Grace, her eyes shining, added, "Indeed. Our trusted companions await us at the horse stable."

Lily chimed in, her gaze fixed on the horizon. "I can already envision the wind in our hair as we ride towards new adventures."

Emma's face lit up with anticipation. "And the thrill of galloping alongside each other, bound by love and camaraderie."

Xi Meili, still absorbing the sights and sounds around her, smiled softly. "I'm excited to ride with all of you, to experience the world together."

The group arrived at the town's horse stable, where the magnificent steeds that once belonged to the viscount's family stood patiently.

Yuan and his family selected four war horses and one cavalry horses for themselves, ensuring they had capable companions for their journey. They entrusted the remaining horses to the care of the town's guards, grateful for their help.

Mounted on their horses, the family exchanged glances, a mix of determination and unity reflected in their eyes.

Yuan's voice rang out, filled with resolve. "Let's go, my family. The capital awaits us, and together we will face whatever challenges lie ahead."

As the group rode towards the town's gate, Yuan marveled at how quickly he adapted to horse riding. With a sense of newfound confidence, he turned to his family and exclaimed, "I can't believe how natural this feels! It's as if I've been riding horses my entire life."

Anna beamed with pride, her voice filled with encouragement. "You're doing incredible, my love. It's amazing how quickly you've picked it up."

Grace nodded, impressed by Yuan's skills. "You truly have a hidden talent, Darling. It's like you were born to ride."

Meanwhile, after bidding farewell to Yuan at the Hunter Association, Robert remained rooted in place, his eyes fixed on Mireya. A warm smile adorned his face as he contemplated his next words. "Mireya," he began, his voice gentle yet inviting, "why don't you let them know that you too are heading to the capital? Perhaps you can join them on the journey."

Mireya's gaze met Robert's, her expression thoughtful. She considered his suggestion for a moment before responding. "I think it would be better if they go ahead without me," she replied, her voice laced with a hint of mystery. "Once they arrive in the capital, I'll give them a delightful surprise."

Robert's curiosity piqued, and he couldn't help but press for further details. "A surprise?" he inquired, a mix of anticipation and intrigue coloring his words. "What do you have in mind?"

