Chapter 857 - The Decision
"Choice B is the harder path because you're going to have to do everything in secret. You'll be married, but you can't live as a married couple openly," Lianne said, "However, the advantage of this choice is that no one can separate you anymore. My mother certainly would not do so and neither would my father."
"They would have to swallow the bitter pill and allow it," Lianne said, "Also … "
"Yes?" Kay said, encouraging Lianne to continue.
"Well, you were stupid not to have used protection last night," Lianne said, "Of course, you have the morning-after pill to correct it. However, just think about it. If you take that pill, you're indirectly telling Joseph that you don't want kids with him right now. That it isn't the right time. That he's too young."
"Any reason you give him, will hit him hard. He may not understand it, though he will try to be understanding," Lianne said softly, "But it will make him insecure. Worried. More so if you can't be open about the relationship."
Lianne stopped there and let Kay think about it. She should understand that taking choice A may kill Joseph's confidence slowly inside.
How long will it take for Kay to get the courage to tell Kyle, especially since she had lied to him in the first place? Joseph may be willing to wait forever, but no matter how much you love a person and is willing to wait - it would still affect the person.
Not being able to openly express your love.
Fearing rejection by the family.
Would Kay be forced to choose between her family, and her love?
These are not choices that anyone would want. Romantic novels always give clear black and white situations. Evil family is greedy and scheming, hating the nice female lead but the male lead is doting and protective.
They never show a good family not agreeing to the choice of partner. Even if the reason may be unreasonable, the family itself is generally not 'evil'. In such circ.u.mstances, what do you do?
You expect your family to love you unconditionally and accept whoever you choose but that doesn't happen all the time. What if they don't?
Do you choose to ignore their feelings about it and carry on 'because it is your life'? Because you feel that they have no right over your choices. Are you angry over them not respecting your choice? Do you set aside their years of caring, of being taken care of, just because you found 'the one'?
They say blood is thicker than water … but how far is that true when they don't approve of your choice of partner?
Is it that they are being unreasonable, or is it that you are being selfish?
Being caught in the middle is not an easy thing.
Kay's bond with her brother is beyond ordinary, but she is also deeply in love with Joseph.
How can she give up either one?
After giving Kay some time to think about it, Lianne went for the final move.
"If you choose A, I believe you will eventually get the courage to tell my mother about it. It will just take time and a lot of work on your part to constantly convince Joseph that you love him and he's good enough for you."
"If you choose B, it will be difficult and unfair because you can't be open about the relationship until you are ready and able to reveal it, but on the other hand, Joseph is officially yours."
Lianne knew she was indirectly pushing Kay for Choice B, but the fact of the matter is, she truly felt that was the best solution for now.
It would have been better if Kay had told Kyle the truth.
Kyle may have exploded and there could have been World War III, but he would have eventually calmed down. Lianne also believed that once her mother calmed down, she would have been the pillar of support to eventually persuade Stephan.
As it is, Kay took the wrong step.
It showed that she was still unable to face her brother yet about this truly delicate situation.
If left to their own devices, Lianne believed that it would create such a strain in the newly formed relationship that it may never be fixed properly.
Joseph was also the type that wore his heart on his sleeve. Just how long would he be able to hide from their father about his love? How long would it be before their father found out about the identity of his beloved?
Once you throw their father into the mix, the whole thing may get messier than ever.
Falling in love is great and all, but reality can come in and break people up.
Lianne truly felt love was more trouble than its worth but she wasn't one to knock it. Just because she felt it was too troublesome didn't mean she dismissed it or would discourage it.
Hence, she was working extra hard to get the two important people in her life together.
"You have 72 hours to decide," Lianne finished before putting down the phone.
hours because that was the time frame when taking the morning-after pill. After 72 hours, it would have no effect anymore.
Despite its name, one did not need to take it the morning after, though the best time would be to take it right after unprotected s.e.x or within 24 hours. Also, it is not a contraceptive so if one continued to have unprotected s.e.x after taking it, one could still get pregnant.
Kay sat there in a daze, then at the two items in her hands. She looked at Joseph, who was looking at her in concern.
It was as if what Lianne told her made her see things clearly.
Guess the views of someone from the outside looking in was better than the one who was actually going through it.
Joseph took her hand in his and asked worriedly, seeing the look on Kay's face, "What's wrong?"
"Joseph Yang," Kay said, "Will you marry me?"
? Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ?
Joseph looked at the marriage certificate in his hands, in a daze.
What did he just do?
No, he did not regret agreeing to Kay's proposal - but he was just in a daze as to how fast it all happened.
As he was now a legal a.d.u.l.t, he did not need his father's approval to get married. All he needed to do was show his identity card and whallah. Sign the contract and they were married.
After Kay's sudden proposal, he had been totally shocked though he agreed immediately. They talked about it before taking this step, however.
Joseph held on Kay's hand tightly, looking at her lovingly.
They may have to keep this marriage a secret, but he himself knew it was for the best. He didn't mind that it couldn't be told to anyone yet, for the most important thing right now - was that Kay was his.
Kay smiled at her new husband, not feeling guilty at all for having 'taken' him at such a young age. She didn't think of it as her stifling his growth at all, for marriage shouldn't be seen as a shackle.
Since they were sure about each other, why wait?
Kay understood now why Sam chose to get married so young. Even Ali. Even though their circ.u.mstances were different - in the sense that Sam and Ali were independent men that were already earning an income, Kay didn't see Joseph lacking in any way.
She had faith that he would be able to make a mark on his own.
"I'll keep the marriage certificate," Kay said, taking it from his hands.
Joseph nodded, knowing that it would be wiser for her to keep both copies. He also had a 'marriage card' that was akin to an identity card, but it was actually a card stating that they were husband and wife.
Since the marriage card was small (the size of a credit card), Joseph kept that and hid it in his wallet. From a distance, even if someone caught a glimpse of it, they would think it would be a game card or maybe even a driving licence. No one would think it was his marriage card.
Joseph gingerly touched the edge of the precious card, regarding it as the most important item he has ever owned. He placed his wedding band on a silver chain and wore it like a necklace, hidden under his clothes.
Kay wore hers openly, thinking that the best place to hide it, was in plain sight. One would probably regard her as just wearing a ring as an accessory. Joseph was extremely pleased to see the ring on her finger.
He rubbed his thumb on the ring, then looked at her, saying, "I love you, Mrs. Yang."
"And I, you, Mr. Yang," Kay replied.
Most memorable birthday ever.