Chapter 852   - Bind Him

Whilst Lance was braving himself to enter into a serious relationship, his BFF was thinking of her next move.

Joseph's birthday was coming near and she thought of doing something extra special. Give him a hint or something.

It was a momentous occasion after all.

He would become a legal a.d.u.l.t.

From what she had observed in the past two years, their family didn't really celebrate birthdays. The most was just a family dinner and a small birthday cake. Nothing fancy.

As she was thinking of this, her phone rang.


Looking at the caller ID, Kay was surprised.


"Hey, Lianne," Kay said cheerfully as she picked up the phone.

"Hi, Kay," Lianne replied, "You're planning something for Joseph's birthday, right?"

Kay got caught in a coughing fit for a while, "Wha-"

"Yes, or not?" Lianne asked.


"Ye-ess…" Kay began.

"Take him out the next day," Lianne said, "Because if you do it before his birthday, he won't be able to keep a straight face or contain his excitement in front of Papa."

Kay blinked and then looked at the phone, then put the phone back on her ear.

"Lianne, why are you -"

"Look, Kay, if you want to get together with my blockhead brother, you have to be straightforward with him," Lianne said, not beating around the bush.

"What .. what do you mean?" Kay asked, aghast.


Was it so obvious?

Lianne gave a sigh and then said gently, "Kay, you know you have a huge hurdle to overcome. Not only must you handle my brother who is as dense as concrete, you're going to have to tell my mother about it sooner or later."

Kay gulped.

"First step is to get together with my brother, and that is the easy one. But seriously Kay. You're just doing it all wrong," Lianne said.

"I am?" Kay squeaked.

She couldn't believe she was being told off by someone far younger than her, but she couldn't deny that Lianne had been stating facts that couldn't be denied.

"Remember this. Joseph is dense," Lianne said, "If you are wishy-washy, or drop hints, or just be all round nice to him … he won't get it."

"Since he'll be legal this year, then you'd better make sure that on his birthday, you confess," Lianne told her, "Otherwise, you can be playing this 'going out' game forever and not even get into first base."


"In fact, don't just tell him how you feel, show him," Lianne said, "Kiss him. If you just tell him, he might be too shocked and think he's dreaming. But if you kiss him …"

"Lianne!" Kay gasped, putting her hand on her c.h.e.s.t.

"What? I just said kiss," Lianne said, her voice in a slight huff, "I didn't say sleep with him, did I? Of course, if you did, it would probably be better ..."

"LIANNE!" Kay couldn't help but shout this time. Is this what a 15-year-old should be saying? Even encouraging?!

"Kay," Lianne said gently, "My brother is in love with you but he thinks he's not good enough for you. If you can't convince him that your feelings for him are just as strong, he'll resist. He'll be happy at first, but he would probably think that he's just a passing fad. He'll start being insecure."

"He's stupid that way," Lianne said, "He wants to be with you more than anything, but he's always afraid to take that step. I have pushed him already, so he's ripe for the picking but you have to hit him hard and fast."

"If you want him, grab him and don't let him go," Lianne said, "Otherwise, the moment Kyle finds out and starts protesting, Joseph might very well be so stupidly noble and 'sacrifice himself to make you happy'."

Kay was silent, listening intently.

"Was it so obvious?" Kay asked softly.

"No," Lianne replied, "If it was, don't you think my mother would have said something by now?"

"You have a point," Kay replied, relieved.

"Mum may be blind about her own feelings, but she's pretty sharp about others," Lianne said, "Sooner or later, she'll notice so you better get together with Joseph before that happens."

"You … you don't think it's weird? Me and Joseph?" Kay asked.

"Why should I think it's weird? Because of the age gap? Or the fact that Joseph is Kyle's son from a former life?"

"Both," Kay said.

"Like I told Joseph. Age is just a number," Lianne said, "As for the son from another life? Puh-lease. That should never even be an issue. You're not biologically related and Kyle has never raised Joseph so you don't have any connection whatsoever to Joseph. This is just something my mother has to overcome herself."

"Now, if I was to end up with Kyle - *THAT* would be twisted indeed," Lianne pointed out, "But you and Joseph? Nothing wrong at all. People may talk about the age gap thing, and that your backgrounds are so different and not compatible. Kyle may find it hard to accept but that's his struggle, not yours."

"Kay, if you truly love my brother then please, go to him and grab him," Lianne said, "If you don't think you can handle the hurdles in the future, then you should just stop seeing him."

"You'll not only be facing Kyle, you'll have to face my father," Lianne said.

She was silent for a while then asked, "Do you really want to be with my brother?"

"Yes," Kay replied resolutely.

"Then go forth and bind him to you," Lianne replied, "My brother may be insecure, he may be wishy-washy but once he decides on something, he will hang on for dear life. You are the one who has to take that first step and convince him."

"I'm counting on you. Confess and kiss him senseless, okay? Don't chicken out on me now, you hear?"

Lianne put down the phone then, and rubbed her forehead.

Damn, giving love advice was truly draining.

Kay, on the other hand, was still in a daze.

The last sentence by Lianne was totally unexpected … and shocking. Because Kay really was thinking that just confessing would be enough. Even that was difficult.

Why the heck does Lianne want her to kiss her brother so much?

Just then, she got a message.

It was from Lianne.

<If you don't at least kiss him, you'll never get him in time. My mother will start to notice and you'll lose your chance with Joseph>

<Do you really want that?>

Kay threw the phone on the bed.

Could she read minds?!

? Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ?

Today …

Today was the day.

Kay was nervous.

She didn't let Joseph know that today's outing was going to be special and to celebrate his birthday (albeit, a few days later so that it would be the weekend), so things were pretty normal. They did the things that they usually did when meeting up.

A movie, then a meal.

The movie was the same.

The meal, however, was different.

Joseph looked at the restaurant that Kay took him to, "Er, Kay? Why are we here?"

Kay gave him a smile, and said, "I thought today should be slightly special."

"Why?" Joseph asked curiously.

"Didn't you just turn 17?" Kay said with a smile. She turned to the concierge and said, "Reservation for Kay Smith please."

"Ah yes, Ms. Smith. Right this way, please," the lady said politely.

Joseph was surprised, "Oh, you knew?"

"Of course I did," Kay replied. I know a lot of things about you. She was absolutely nervous but she didn't let it show.

They were led to a private room on the third floor that had a large bay window to watch the scenery outside. The windows were tinted, so people inside could see out but not the other way around.

"This .." Joseph said, looking at the rather intimate setting, "Kay, I really appreciate this but this is too much just for me."

"Why would you say that?" Kay asked, "Are you telling me that you're not worth it?"

"Well …" Joseph began, looking rather nervously around him, "It's not that but .. well, I guess? It's hard to explain, really."

The last words were said rather softly, like he was thinking of something else. At this moment, Kay suddenly realised the truth of Lianne's words.

Joseph was insecure.

But did he really love her like what Lianne said?

If she can't convince him, he will most likely run away but if he was sure, he would stay and be steady as a rock. That's what Lianne said.

So far, Lianne had been spot on about Joseph's insecurities so perhaps, she was right as well about his feelings for her?

Kay felt the meal was dragging on. She was utterly nervous but the more she observed Joseph, the more she was convinced of Lianne's directions.

It was just too scary to do.

How the heck does one gather the courage to confess??
