Author Note: Here, ya go!

If you want to read chapters ahead what I have done so far, be sure to check my patreón! I have ten chapters ahead!

Also in another great news!!!! I got an editor that will make sure everything is neat and perfect! he is currently working on chapters 1-33! This is all thanks to you guys! Thanks for the support!


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Son of the fire, Champion of the light, the sound good and all, but in reality they really meant was that I had more responsibilities, but I suppose it had its benefits.

At the very least, this time, the fucking God that chose me to be his champion without even consulting me might I add, helped me; he said the darkness would not target me again, how was he going to keep that promise? I really don't care; for me, it was a win-win situation; he keeps the shadows away; I focus on stopping the long night; we all win.

"I really need a break," I sighed as I stood out my bed, Daenerys still sleeping soundly, "Alright back into track, conquering the Dothraki," With a soft smile forming on my face seeing my beautiful pregnant wife sleep, I left the tent to start preparing my men to leave.

As I left the tent, I noticed that the city had more people than it had yesterday, and by the looks of it was another Khal that had arrived while I was sleeping.

"Well, this is interesting," I muttered, whoever this Khal was, could be my next target, that of course depending on the numbers his Khalasar had, if they outnumbered me by a lot I would have to wait, all I had to do was put a Raven to follow him and wait until they leave the city.

With that in mind, I walked around trying the city trying to find the Khal; I was curious as to who I would find, maybe it was Drogo in which case I could instead of hunting him outside in a later day, I could just simply challenge him to a one on one duel. He was proud, too proud for his own good, and would accept in a beat.


I walked around the market with a simple mission to find the Khal. As I entered deeper into the market I saw the Dothraki trading and exchanging things; this was the one place they found their stuff without killing each other, their numbers were massive, just in the market I could see hundreds and hundreds of them mixing together in the background like ants, the more and more I walked the clearer the truth became. I was sure that this army belonged to Drogo. Or at the very least to another big Khal. Hours passed by until I found one of the bloodriders of this Khalasar, I followed him back to his Khal, I was getting tired of looking by myself, and I had promised my ravens a day off to celebrate I was increasing the flock with two babies, they were happy, and decided to discuss things like diaper duty and stuff, yes my Ravens wanted to change diapers, and teach my kids how to fly… I would have to explain to them later that they won't be able to fly.

So today I was on my own, which made this scouting mission extra difficult until today I didn't realize how dependent I was of them, finding one Dothraki in this sea full of them was the equivalent of trying to find a waldo while being blind.

"I want to speak with your Khal," I approached the bloodrider, there wasn't much he could do besides saying no.

"Why?" He asked a bit surprised I knew how to speak his language fluently.

"I have something to offer him," I informed the man, being a cryptic as possible, the man, in turn, eyed me with suspicion for a second before he nodded and with a hand sign told me to follow him.



It took the bloodrider roughly fifteen minutes to lead me to the tent where his Khal was resting, he probably thought I wanted to offer the Khal some sort of deal, maybe for the slaves he brought, or something similar to that, later he would probably blame himself later for the death of his precious Khal.

"Wait here," The bloodrider informed me as he entered the tent, probably to explain the Khal the situation before he presented me.

As I waited for the Khal to ask me in, my mind started to drift off to what happened in my dream, those titles I was given, I kinda felt they meant something, besides an absurd amount of responsibility, but what?

"Khal Drogo will see you," The bloodrider said, confirming my original suspicions, Khal Drogo was here, no wonder the city felt so full of life, in a bizarre way.

"Very well," I nodded as I entered the tent, the tent was moderately big, covered in furs and many other items, from food to alcohol, Drogo was sitting on the floor, drinking, not really giving me much importance, he didn't even have the decency to look at me, "You are very foolish are you not?"

Everyone in the tent went stiff. I just had insulted their Khal, in their own city; for them, I was a foreigner.

"You are the foolish," Drogo stood, probably cursing that he couldn't cut my head within the sacred city.

"My name is Khal Ronard," I announced getting a few surprised looks in the crowd inside his tent, "I want to fight you one on one, outside the sacred city, if I win, I will take everything from you, and in the impossible case you win... " I paused for a second before laughing, "Sorry, but my mind can't process such a stupid idea, me losing to you… really stupid."

"A duel, one on one," Drogo approached me, enough for me to see he was taller than me, by a few inches, "Sure, I will gladly take your head out and take down your neck for this insult, and after that, I will take your army with me," What an idiot, but being fair with him, he was probably the strongest normal human in this world, the confidence he had on his own power was strongly built on his unmatched record of wins and victories in war and battles.

For him, I was a sixteen-year-old trying to die early.

"Then let us ride, only us and our blood riders," I offered, I knew the bloodriders would try to kill me after I killed his Khal, so why delay that fact.

Drogo smiled amused by my words as he nodded, "As you wish, I will piss your corpse, kid, you are no Khal."

"If you are counting on me dying to take a piss, I would recommend you taking that piss now; otherwise you will die with it inside," I chuckled as I started to walk out of the tent, "And yes, I am a Khal, ask the Dosh Khaleen."


Drogo while a savage was a man of his word, after our conversation he informed his Khalasr that he would come with my head, before riding with me out of the sacred city, to duel me, his bloodriders besides him, Drogo had three bloodriders, while I only had one, but what they didn't know was that my two horses were pumped and ready to fight.

*WE ARE GOING TO CRUSH YOUR FUCKING SKULLS DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!* One of my horses said in a voice tone that would work perfectly for a heavy metal singer.

*YOU GUYS ARE GOING DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!* My horse the one that I was mounting said, hooves flexing slightly ready to attack.

I inwardly chuckled as I unmounted my horse, showing some respect I had come to this duel without armor, considering that the Dothraki don't use it; after all, I wanted to be fair with him.

"You will make a great toilet," Drogo spat as I chuckled.

"You seriously need to change your trash talk, is quite depressing," I smiled.

Drogo lunged forward, quickly sprinting towards me and coming closer, then jabbing out his Arakh in attempt to cut, he was way faster than I anticipated, in the blink of an eye he was in front of me, but reflex kicked in, and I ducked forward, trying to cut his arm. magic

Drogo noticed this at the last second and dodged my attack only getting a small, bleeding slice. Drogo eyed his cut and smiled as he sprinted at me again, but this time I was ready for his speed, so I just raised my sword and blocking his attack, the two blades clanged together, creating a rumbling sound that engulfed the plains we were using for our duel.

The weight of my sword was dragging him down, Drogo immediately noticed that I was stronger than him physically and decided to change his approach in battle to his superb agility, it didn't take him long to start pushing back hard. He was very strong, without my super body this battle would be impossible for me, I smiled as I jumped back dodging a horizontal attack, taking a deep breath I dashed forward with my Valyrian blade out in front of me as I attempted to pierce his heart and end it all, but in a surprisingly good timed dodged he ducked under my blade and grasped my stomach, with his Arakh, I of course notice this and avoided lethal damage, but the cut was still painful, not deep enough to be troubling but deep enough to make me feel pain.

"Shit that hurt!" I cursed as I parried his attacks.

It took me a couple of seconds to recover, and with the pain in my stomach I was ready to end this, he was strong so no reason to be going easy of him, with that in mind I dashed forward and a blinding speed that surprised Drogo, grabbing his head and pushing it down to the ground with earth-shattering force making him drop his Arakh, once he was on the floor I proceed to slam my knee repeatedly into his face, paying him with interest the cut he delivered, one I was done smashing my knee into his face I go up and thrusted my blade through his heart. Blood splattered everywhere, but by the mashed potato look, his head had, he probably died way before my blade destroyed his heart.

"Now come, I don't have all day, try and avenge your Khal and die, or kill yourselves either way don't waste my time," I said as I turned to the shocked bloodriders, but before I can take a step forward I feel something wetting my shoe, looking down I see that Drogo was pissing himself, "Great, I told him… but nobody listens.."
