Author Note: Here, ya go!
If you want to read chapters ahead what I have done so far, be sure to check my patreón!
Also in another great news!!!! I got an editor that will make sure everything is neat and perfect! he is currently working on chapters 1-33! This is all thanks to you guys! Thanks for the support!
https://com/cornbringer magic
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My ravens had informed me that they had found a Dothraki tribe in the vale between the windy foothills of the east and the vast fertile fields of the north around ten miles away from our location.
For the what they describe it and I could gather it was a small Dothraki Tribe setting camp, of perhaps eight or nine hundred souls, including the non-combatants, and for what I read and had found out thanks to my newly acquired Dothraki men, small tribes don't usually last long especially if they don't increase their numbers in battle, usually, because small tribes form after a big Khalasar breaks up after the death of their Khal, they are left vulnerable, to bigger Khalasars.
And apparently that was what happened to the Tribe I absorbed, their Khal died, and they broke up into five small tribes, he told me before that happened around four months ago, he also told me his tribe was originally composed of around six thousand riders.
For all I knew this new small tribe my ravens had found was probably at one point part of the same Khalasar, because like my Dothraki said, it's not common for a small tribe to survive long, they usually expand or get absorbed.
"What are our orders," The new appointed Ko of my Dothraki riders asked.
"Prepare for battle, we are taking those bastards with us," I chuckled, as I prepared for the imminent battle ahead if I could call such thing a battle, there were pretty small, this wouldn't take much time.
And while Daenerys would be happy for me to stay behind, I couldn't, as per Dothraki culture, I had to ride with my men to battle, a Khal must always lead the charge or at least be involved in the battle in any given way, the endpoint being that I had to be there, to show my people I was ready to die in battle and worthy of being followed.
But… like I had expected the fight was… a massacre many would say, I entered the fight cutting heads like I was cutting the grass, it was pretty one-sided.
For one, they didn't expect us, and we completely overwhelmed them in numbers, even my Ravens killed some riders by gouging their eyes out while shouting, "Blood for the COOOORNNNN!"
Frankly, it consumed more time to get to them that to defeat them and absorb them, the battle lasted roughly around twenty minutes, before I completely subdue them.
Like my last battle, they joined after I killed their Khal and his blood riders, this time their assimilation was surprisingly easier, they saw that I had some Dothraki following me, and even with their limited information about me, they formulated the right answer, that I was a newly appointed Khal, a foreigner but a Khal nonetheless. And while this time I didn't have to make their horses kneel to show them my power and make them believe I was their chosen one, I still did it nonetheless, just to be sure, after all, I had to ensure and ignite their fanatical and blindness loyalty if they thought I was the Stallion that would mount the world they would probably follow me to the hell and back.
So far absorbing Dothraki into my ranks has been relatively easy, of course, I had yet to find a big tribe, which I'm pretty sure will put up quite the challenge, tribes like Drogo's Khalasar that had over forty thousand riders, for example, they would crush me on a straight fight.
But unless I was forced, Drogo and his Khalasar would be the last on my Dothraki shopping list.
"Time to go back," I sighed, seeing my men finishing taking all the resources this small tribe had collected, that, of course, everything they had was mine now.
After the battle, I went straight back to my temporary camp, where I found Daenerys waiting for me back exactly where I left her with the same worried expression on her face she had when I left.
I couldn't really blame her, to be honest.
Since the day I entered into that pseudo coma, she has been overprotective of me, even though I had told her multiple times everything was fine, she would not believe me and let it down, I suppose it was somewhat scarring waking up to my bleeding body that night.
Her overprotectiveness went so far that today she had refused to let me go and fight saying I was still recovering, but after a while and a long talk where I assured her I would be fine, and that this battle was nothing but a day in the playground for men, she relented.
"You shouldn't have gone into battle after what happened, someone tried to kill you," Daenerys sighed in relief seeing be back in one piece, checking every inch of my body for injuries, she believed someone had entered our chambers that fateful night and tried to kill me, and that the assassin was still within our ranks, so she trusted no one, but me, and frankly I wasn't going to correct her assumption, it's not like I could just explain to her that a metaphysical being with untold power wants to fuck with me so bad that he decided to choose a champion that will try to fuck with me on his behalf with a never-ending and ever-growing army of corpses.
That was something I would explain her later, not the evil god part, but the long night part of it, but for now, I would keep her in the dark.
"I'm fine," I chuckled, "I told you many times, I won't die on you," That much was true if I won all this I would probably outlive her, with the super body and all.
"I still worry," Daenerys pouted adorably, "What am I to do if something were to happen to you?"
"Nothing will happen to me, not by man's hands anyway," I sighed, while the war was like a loot box and anything could happen, I was sure of something with all my being, my biggest threat wasn't here or in Westeros, it was beyond the wall, lurking in the shadows, growing stronger every second it passes.
Daenerys eyed curiously before she sighed, giving me a long and passionate kiss, "I love you, my reckless bear,
"I love you my sweet dragon," I chuckled, realizing a second later what I had just said.
Daenerys eyes widened in surprise, that surprise slowly turning to happiness.
*Hrmmm the words every mate wants to hear he said, Yrsss… some booty tonight he will get,* *Dance around her! Show her how big your wings are!* Another Raven added as she showed me how to do it.
I… I didn't know how to react, these ravens were getting more and more strange every day, and frankly, I find that both awesome and adorable.
"You said it," Daenerys kissed in a quite possessive manner as if claiming me as her own.
"Wow, you had a lot going on with that kiss," I chuckled.
"It's because I finally know you are mine," Daenerys giggled, kissing me one more time, "Your heart and body belongs to me, my bear, like my body and heart, belong to you,"
"Oh, what a terrible destiny awaits for me," I chuckled, kissing her back while giving her a playful spank on her ass.
After a passionate night with my wife, I took a moment to rearrange my plans, conquering the Dothraki at this pace would take me a year, and the sooner I had them under my wing the better.
So I would have to risk a bit to win a lot, betting usually works that way, the more you bet the more you can possibly get.
While I knew I wasn't ready to face Drogo and his absurdly big Khalasar, It was more than obvious that I had to start targeting bigger prey.
There were a few Khalasars with over ten thousand riders, if I collected a few, my mission would become considerably easier, and while the numbers wouldn't be in my favor, I still had a chance, all I had to do was win one battle against a big Khalasar and everything would go just fine.
So with that in mind, I ordered my Ravens to fly around Essos and locate as many Khalassars as they could with at least over three thousand riders.
*Hrmmm. Doubts and Fear within you I feel, Yrsss. Halting your path the dark side of the corn is.* Roda said as he flew into my tent.
"Well, surprisingly you are right," I chuckled, petting the Raven who ruffled his feathers in approval and delight, "But don't worry buddy, I will overcome this,"
*Hrmmm and by you stand we will, Yrsss.* Roda added puffing hisf feathery chest with pride and wisdom.
"I know haha," I chuckled.
The next morning I woke up to a gang of Ravens jumping on the bed around me and my wife, they were chanting something.
*We found some big Khalasars*
*We deserve some petting!*
*Don't forget corn! We deserve corn*