They reached back the room. Ariana waited for him to step and then take shower but like the day before, she got engaged, lying down under him. She took a deep breath and also moan silently.

Several days passed and the life at Demon Realm continued. The usual walking, talking and leading a life. Ariana grew accustomed to the routines of demons wherever she was at a shop and a public place dealing with them.

Ariana did not miss her family the slightest. But instead worried about parting with the Phoenix often, thinking how her father is going to capture her and punish her. She was sure about Dylan finding his way even though it was taking time. But she was hell of sure that they would both get caught. And Feng was well aware of it too.

Couplemore days passed in hell when there was a buzz in the town where he new settlers had come. Ariana's heart thumped loud. They reduced going out to the town for the walk and locked themselves up inside the room itself.

And one fine day when Ariana woke up, she no longer found Feng next to her. Hour passed, she searched everywhere and she did not find him. "Feng'er," she walked around screaming her lung out calling his name, people looked at her strangely and offered her no help.

And by the time she reached the end of the gates, there stood Feng, smiling. She rushed towards the figure she thought is Feng. It was none other than, "Pa," she gasped. She regretted stepping out of the room and walking into the trap immediately. They had been found. She was taken with her father instantly. Dragged away and instantly travelled back to her house.

"Wait, let me go," she struggled on her way, but it was of no use. Her father pushed her into her room in her house and Locked her up.

Ariana soend hours banging on the doors for then to open, since she had no idea his to apparate, it was difficult too, her powers were sealedby her father as he locked her up and she was nothing but a single living being at the moment. She cried. She had no idea where Feng had disappeared into, whether he was taken by King Dylan, taken back to the Underwater Realm or hiding somewhere, or searching for her and fall in the trap like her. She could sense the days passing as she spent time in her room. Only the food and water arrived on time, brought in by her maids who refused to speak to her and help her, getting strict instructions and list of punishment. And at that time, something happened. A flash inside her room, something creaking open. Ariana's eyes were hurt by the flashing lights and she shut them tight, turning her face away.
