Those that thought they could bring their spell books out with them could only cry.
Fortunately, there were many smart students.
After finding their items, if it was a spell book or a book of sword arts, they had scrupulously tried their best to memorize as much as they could.
Placing knowledge in their brains was the best way to keep it.
Although the first girl was sad to see her book disappear, she didn’t mind too much.
She was one of the clever ones and had memorized what she could already.
She moved aside for others to try their luck.
The rest of the freshman class went up one by one to score their items.
Feng Wu was in the middle of the line.
This was where she initially stood so the crowd couldn’t push her around to the back.
Feng Wu was a sword user, but the sword was a magic sword so the conflict in attribution caused her score to be low.
However, her strength was very high, so it helped to balance things out giving her an average score of eighty-five.
This was honestly very good as no one had scored a ninety or higher yet.
Feng Wu’s eighty-five placed her in the top ten, however they were only halfway through the scoring; it was possible someone else could get a ninety or higher.
One of the people who came after Feng Wu was Ai Lin.
Although she couldn’t compare to a female protagonist like Zi Cheng, she was by no means shoddy.
In fact, the magic book she found was a high level one, giving her an overall score of ninety-five points, the highest one so far.
The teachers looked on kindly at her.
This score made many people admire Ai Lin.
Ai Lin wasn’t blown over though.
She knew her score wouldn’t be the best, not with Zi Cheng’s ownership of a holy level magic book.
Perhaps it was for dramatic effect but Zi Cheng and Yifu were last to be scored.
Yifu scored an eighty-five.
Although it wasn’t a bad score, after having seen others with nineties and above, it wasn’t as impressive anymore.
She didn’t say anything but gave a high squeal of delight.
She moved aside and made space for Zi Cheng.
Tian Ke immediately ran over and asked, “How was the test?! Did you pass?!” He was very excited.
I passed.” Feng Wu nodded at the delicious lunch in front of Jier.
She was hungry.
It was lunch time and she was hungry, very hungry.
Although it felt she stayed in the virtual space for a month, in reality she was only asleep taking the test for a few days.
The academy maintained the children’s body through the use of a chemical compound, otherwise they would have surely suffered physically for having slept so many days.
“Feng Wu, the second part of the exam happened in your dreams right? Big Brother Jier says it’s very magical.
Can you tell me about it?” Tian Ke sat down next to her with Little Bun, Feng Ye.[notes] Little Bun hadn’t seen his mother in days.
He cooed and reached his arms out to her.
Feng Wu reached over and hugged Little Bun to her chest.
She gave him kisses and made small whooshing sounds with her lips at him.
He was adorable with his white hair that made him look like a mini grandpa.
“Hey don’t waste your breath.
Don’t you know the second and third part of Xingguang Holy Academy’s assessment are confidential? Feng Wu will get blacklisted and barred from the school if she tells you.” Jier picked up his glass of milk and took a big gulp.
Tian Ke’s excited face dropped.
Although he was really curious about the entrance examinations, he didn’t want to harm his good friend.
She was stupid but she was a good person.
magic“That’s such a pity!” Tian Ke let out a disappointed sigh, but he was a sensible child and knew not to pursue the matter.
“Aunt knew you would wake up today so she prepared a huge feast.
Tonight you’re gonna have some good food!” Tian Ke’s eyes shone brightly with expectation at the thought.
His eyes perfectly mirrored Feng Wu’s.
She had spent a month there subsisting only on meat buns.
They were delicious, but meat buns all the time got boring.
She craved some variety.
Were it not for the fact she spent all her money, she would have bought something new to eat every day.
“Xiao Wu, school will start soon and you’ll be living on campus.
It’s a good idea to use the next few days to purchase some things.
Although the school will give you good housing, you still need to bring your own supplies.
This little guy too.
You’ll want to take a few days to find a good magic beast for him.
One like a shengmu would be good.
Many nobles use them to safeguard their children because human nannies can be spies,” said Jier.