The song of the five: A Say-ved Hymn

Come to me, your time is nigh, yawned the Great Abyss.The time has come for you to die, before the Krador’s kiss.

The Males stood tall against the swarms, no knee was that day bent.Engulfed in cruel insectoid forms, into the dark they went.

With time they bought we ran to cross, into plains dry and vast.Our souls mourning for our loss, of heroes freshly passed.

With little hope and fear we flew, over plains afarResolved to die, our hearts all knew, until we saw the star.

A ship, we thought, with sorrow clear, had blundered to its endBut naught was there cause to fear, the stars had sent a friend

Weary legs and heat-sapped strength, demanded journey’s restDry and dusty plains at length, still stood before to test


We curled in cold and restless sleep, till’ shortly after dawnTo cloud of Krador’s trampling feet, were eyes and terror drawn

“Run!” Cried loud the Matriarch, to move child and refugeeSpurred to move by strong remark, in terror did they flee

A fragile voice behind, a yell, a tiny desperate pleaOne of the precious young fell, its mother turned to see

Desperation filled its form, its arm outstretched for aidShould she try to save her newly born? A decision must be made

With mother’s love and iron heart, she strode toward her youngIn death they would not be apart, her last lullaby had been sung

Then from the midst of Krador hate, fire did bloom and heaveA hold on her and the child’s fate, death granted a reprieve


And then from sky came roaring sound, a ship strange to her eyesIt landed softly on the ground, much to her great surprise

Out came the five in armor worn, and stood against the hordeOne came to help her newly born, four others death outpoured

The ship arose into the sky, and as it upward soaredOnce more death rained from upon high, and landed on the horde

With gentle hands avoiding harm, the child was gently liftedThen back into her mothers’ arms, the precious eggling gifted

“We come to help,” the Apex said, in voice of Broda-friendBut why? She asked with tilted head, for us it is the end

“Because we can, because we choose,” simply she replied“Your lives we will not simply lose, we will stand by your side”


“This debt we shall ne’er repay,” said matriarch so new“Not now or any future day. Flee, save those with you.”

Then turning to her cohort band, she held the question out“Shall we lift up righteous hand, or run because of doubt?”

“We joined and trained for such a day,” one said with tilting head“This price we will gladly pay, so be it if we’re dead.”

Then calling the pilot in the sky, she asked the truest pathWalk toward Shokeen’s blessed star, to flee the Krador wrath

So long they pushed into the night, guarded by new friendsThen the beasts caught their flight, and sought to make their ends

“Take this and speak the words I say,” the leader said with giftThen she led her troops away, Into darkness did they shift

Then Krador came with hungry might, upon the trembling bandThen in the dark a shining light, and swords held high in hand

The Krador turned away from all, and with malicious willThey formed a hate filled living wall, and set off with a thrill

With might and fury Apex fought, their savage strength unveiledWith their lives, time they bought, their friends left un-assailed

And when the last of mighty five, did fall to death’s embraceThe Krador turned to those alive, their hungry, angry face

All was lost, they saw the end, yet with small spark of hopeShe held the gift of her lost friend, knowing not its mighty scope

Then up on high poured into space, a thousand fateful flashesUpward turned her hopeful face, could they be saved from ashes?

Then voice cried out into the night, from the sorrowful boonThe Apex had come ready to fight, their aid would be there soon

But how, she thought, with death so near, could Apex now assist?The Krador armies were now here, the chance was gone, and missed

She spoke the words their lives to save, thus summoning awesome powerThese were the words her new friend gave, In that earlier hour.

The sky went light, and land went red, the Plains of Glass were bornThe Krador threat was gone and dead, we now can sing and mourn

So of the five we sing today, in truest adorationDeath was the price they chose to pay, for all of our salvation.

A Herdmother’s Lullaby:

Say not, my calf, you fear the night, when terrors creep and grow.For the Apex guard you in their light, and no harm will you know.

Say not, my calf, you fear the sky, the open yawning black.For the Apex warriors’ battle cry, will drive the darkness back.

Say not, my calf, you fear for me, your loving mother dear.For the Apex are and shall ever be, the bane of all our fear.
